When you are just getting started with the BOSU ball it’s extremely difficult. However, practice makes perfect and if you use the BOSU ball consistently, it does get easier. Over time maintaining your balance requires less effort and performing exercises on the BOSU ball isn’t as challenging. If you have got to this stage, now is the time to take your BOSU workouts to the extreme. In this article I will be helping you do exactly that with these four extreme BOSU ball exercises.
1) Extreme BOSU Push Ups
If you have got used to regular BOSU push ups, give extreme BOSU push ups a try. This variation removes all stability from the exercise and requires extreme balance.
To perform extreme BOSU push ups, you will need a BOSU ball (platform side up) and a regular stability ball, placed body width apart. Place your feet on the stability ball and your hands on the BOSU ball. Once you have your balance start to perform push ups. Do as many as you can and try to increase the amount you do each week.
>>> Watch A Video Demonstration Of Extreme BOSU Push Ups <<<
2) Extreme BOSU Hand Stand Push Ups
Extreme BOSU hand stand push ups are even tougher than extreme BOSU push ups. They require expert balance as you have to do a handstand whilst on a BOSU ball.
To perform extreme BOSU hand stand push ups, grab a BOSU (platform side up), place your hands on it and do a hand stand. Once you have your balance, bend your arms slowly and lower your head towards the BOSU ball. When your head is almost touching the BOSU ball, stop bending your arms and push back up until your arms are fully extended. Do as many extreme BOSU hand stand push ups as you can and try to increase the amount you do each week.
>>> Watch A Video Demonstration Of Extreme BOSU Hand Stand Push Ups <<<
3) Extreme BOSU Planks
Regular planks are pretty tough. BOSU planks take it up a notch and are even more difficult. However, if you’ve managed to master both of these exercises, it’s time to try extreme BOSU planks. Extreme BOSU planks take you off the ground completely and require super balance skills.
To perform extreme BOSU planks, you will need a BOSU ball (platform side up) and a stability ball. Place your feet on the stability ball and your forearms on the BOSU ball. Contract your core muscles and hold the position for as long as you can. Try and increase the amount of time you can hold the position for each week.
>>> Watch A Video Demonstration Of Extreme BOSU Planks <<
4) Extreme BOSU Dumbbell Squats
Extreme BOSU squats take regular BOSU squats to the next level by adding extreme instability. Since you will be performing extreme BOSU squats on just one leg, make sure you have fully mastered regular BOSU squats before you even attempt these.
To perform extreme BOSU squats, you will need a BOSU ball (platform side up) and a pair of dumbbells. Grab the dumbbells, hang them by your side and slowly place one foot on the center of the BOSU ball. Raise yourself off the ground onto the BOSU ball and balance on one leg. Once you have your balance, slowly bend your leg, keep your upper body straight and lower yourself down until your butt is parallel with your knee. Then extend your knee and raise yourself back up to the starting position. Repeat for 8 to 12 repetitions and try to increase the resistance each week. Once you have finished a set of repetitions, switch legs and do extreme BOSU squats on the alternate leg.
>>> Watch A Video Demonstration Of Extreme BOSU Squats <<
If you feel your BOSU ball training has become stagnant, these extreme BOSU ball exercises will reinvigorate your workouts and make them challenging again. They are extremely challenging but if you can master them you will take your balance, core strength and stability to the very top level.
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Extreme BOSU Ball Exercises