–The BOSU ball is one of the best pieces of balance training equipment around and performing any type of exercise on it can lead to significant improvements in balance. However, if you want to take your balance training to the next level, certain exercises are better than others. In this article I help you maximize your balance by discussing four of the top BOSU balance exercises.
1) BOSU Lunges
BOSU lunges are the easiest of the exercises on this list as one of your feet remains firmly planted on the ground. However, they are still pretty challenging and a great way to get started with balance training.
To perform a BOSU lunge, place the BOSU ball dome side up and then put one leg in front of your body and onto the ball. Then bend your knees and slowly lower your body down until your front knee is at a 90 degree angle. Once your knee reaches a 90 degree angle, slowly raise your body back up to the starting position and repeat.
When performing static lunges, make sure you don’t lean forward and that your front knee does not go over your ankle. Failing to do this can cause injury. Also, make sure that you do lunges on both legs so that you develop your balance equally in each leg. The video below outlines how to perform BOSU lunges. Just don’t try the clapping part until you have mastered the actual lunge:
>>> Watch A Video Demonstration Of BOSU Lunges <<<
2) BOSU Wobble Board
Once you have mastered the BOSU lunges, using the BOSU ball as a wobble board is the next logical step. This is a little more difficult than lunges as it takes both feet of the ground and onto the rotating BOSU ball.
To use the BOSU ball as a wobble board, place it platform side up, stand on it, get your balance and then stand up straight. Once you have secured your balance, slowly rotate the BOSU ball to the left, then to the right, then backwards and then forwards.
When using the BOSU ball as a wobble board, make sure you start off slowly and only start to rotate when you are fully balanced in the center of the ball. If you find balancing on the BOSU ball too difficult, hold a broom in your hands for extra support or place the ball close to a wall so that you can use the wall to help you balance. Then once you get used to balancing on the BOSU ball you can gradually try using it as a wobble board with no additional support. The video below demonstrates how to use the BOSU ball as a wobble board:
>>> Watch A Video Demonstration Of The BOSU Wobble Board <<<
3) One Legged BOSU Balance
Once you can successfully use the BOSU ball as a wobble board with no additional support and without falling off, you should be ready for the next balancing exercise – one legged BOSU balance. This is the most challenging balancing exercise so far because it takes one leg off the ground completely and involves you maintaining full balance on the BOSU ball with just one leg.
To perform the one legged BOSU balance exercise, place the BOSU ball dome side up, stand on the BOSU ball with both feet, slowly raise one leg off the ground and then hold the position for as long as you can.
When performing the one legged BOSU balance exercise, make sure you move onto one leg very slowly and that you maintain full balance at all times. If you find that you can’t balance on one leg initially, try using a broom or wall for support in the same way as I suggested in the BOSU wobble board description. Also, make sure that you do the one legged BOSU balance exercise on both your left and right legs to ensure that your balance develops equally. The video below demonstrates how to perform the one legged BOSU balance exercise:
>>> Watch A Video Demonstration Of One Legged BOSU Balance <<<
4) BOSU Leapfrogs
Once you are an expert at the one legged BOSU balance exercise, you are ready for the ultimate balance test – BOSU leapfrogs. This exercise is the hardest one on the list and requires you to find your balance on the BOSU ball immediately. Only attempt this once you have fully mastered the three exercises above.
To perform BOSU leapfrogs, you will need two or more BOSU balls. Place the balls platform side up and arrange them in a way that allows you to jump between them. Stand on one of the BOSU balls, get your balance and then jump to the next one. Gain your balance and then jump to the next BOSU ball or if you are using just two balls, jump back to the original ball.
When performing BOSU leapfrogs, make sure you are fully balanced before jumping. Also, make sure that the BOSU you are jumping too has stopped moving and is fully stable. If this is your first time attempting BOSU leapfrogs, put down some padded mats as you are very likely to fall. The video below demonstrates how to perform BOSU leapfrogs:
>>> Watch A Video Demonstration Of BOSU Leapfrogs <<<
Once you are comfortable with all the exercises on this list, you will be a BOSU balance master. Not only will you find exercising on the BOSU ball easier but you will also find that your overall balance and stability when not using the BOSU ball is much better. So get practicing those one legged lunges today and take your first steps towards becoming a BOSU balance master.
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Balance & BOSU